Composition / Essay: The Dog For class 5, 6, 7 and 8

Composition / Essay : The Dog (for class 5, 6, 7 and 8)

Introduction : The dog is a domestic animal. It is very faithful to its mastar. It is a member of the family of the wolf.

Description : It has four legs. Its body is covered with short hair. It has two eyes and two ears. It has a tail. Its eyes are very keen. Its claws and teeth are very sharp. There are many kinds of dogs. Some dogs are small and some are big. They are of different colours such as white, brown, black etc. The dog is found almost all over the world.

Food : The dog is fond of fish and flesh. It also eats rice and bread.

Nature : Some dogs are wild by nature. It is very clever. It has strong sense of smell. It can run fast. It sleeps by day and guards at night. When a dog goes mad, it can be very dangerous.

Usefulness: The dog is very useful to us. It helps us in many ways. It watches our houses. If it sees a stranger, it barks. Doges are used in tracing out thieves and criminals.

Conclusion : As a domestic animal, the dog is very useful to us. So we should be kind to it.

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